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Reinventing Organizations: Exploring the Possibilities of an Integral Approach  (back)
In his 2013 book, Reinventing Organizations, Frederic Laloux offers a unique examination of a diverse array of companies and organizations that are blazing a trail for the 21st century. Laloux shares portraits of organizations that are both highly engaging for their employees and serve their customers in extraordinary ways, ranging from industrial manufacturing to education to health delivery services, including for-profit/non-profit, small and large, in a variety of cultural contexts.
In this innovative study group, Alberto Vargas (LACIS) and Harry Webne-Behrman (OHRD) will organize and facilitate our inquiry into the possibilities suggested by Laloux’s framework, connecting his stories to others that may offer us opportunities in our own organizations. As a result, participants will be able to not only understand the core theory and models behind Reinventing Organizations, but will be able to see concrete applications they can immediately use, whether in our varied Departments at the University, in innovative start-up companies, or in improving entrenched bureaucracies.
How are these organizations able to be so successful? Laloux presents Integral Theory as a rubric through which to understand these diverse experiences, and using it he is able to offer concrete suggestions regarding how we may adapt and apply these concepts in our own workplaces. In Part One, he carefully explains the core concepts of Integral Theory as they apply in this context, offers specific case studies throughout Part Two, and then challenges us to notice opportunities for application in our own settings through Part Three.
Session One (April 9th): These are complex, turbulent times. A number of creative theories and models are emerging, with innovative approaches now available to meet the needs of these times. What are the core concepts here? How might they inform our work at UW (or elsewhere)? What are a few useful examples? [Work with Part 1 and 2.1 of RO, as well as “Holacracy” and “Zappos” articles]
Session Two (April 16th): How has this theory informed organizations and businesses in order to make them very efficient, effective at serving customers, and satisfying, energizing places in which to work? We will examine specific examples of Self-Management, Striving for Wholeness, and Evolutionary Purpose that are presented in the Reinventing Organizations analysis and framework. [Work with Chapters 2.2-2.5 of RO]
Session Three (April 23rd): How might we make these outstanding practices happen in OUR work? This session will examine the specific implications of Reinventing Organizations for start-up companies, deeply entrenched bureaucracies, or moderately responsive organizations that seek to improve their recruitment, assessment, decision-making, and other practices. [Work with Chapters 3.1, 3.3, 3.4 of RO]
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Contact Info:
Any questions? Please contact Harry (hwebnebehrman@ohr.wisc.edu) or Alberto (avargasp@wisc.edu) for more information.
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